The aquaculture industry and Enwa share the same values and we are therefore very pleased to contribute with environmentally friendly and solutions of high quality to the industry.
Currently, there is a significant focus on further improvement of fish health through good solutions to reduce salmon lice problems and effective disease control without the use of or with reduced use of chemicals. One of the solutions is freshwater treatment against lice and treatment of fish with AGD.
Enwa has 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing desalination plants for land installations and on ships, and we find that our expertise is both sought after and attractive.
The aquaculture industry in Norway is regulated by a legislation that is constantly improving, and Norway may therefore be the world's best farming industry with professional and dedicated actors. Despite good practices, the industry experiences challenges, and it is working to find improved solutions.
Wellboats and freshwater for the prevention of infestations of salmon lice.
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